Education in yesteryear
September 09 , 2014
Educating the younger generation has always been important to Monroe County residents; the earliest schools in the area date back to the late 1700s. This commitment to youngsters’ schooling notwithstanding, present-day education is quite a bit different than education was in the past. Read More...
Henryville was site of Pocono People’s College
August 08 , 2013
This time of year, students and teachers are getting ready to head back to the classroom as a new school year begins. The same was true during the 1920s when the Pocono People’s College opened in Henryville. Read More...
History of the Stroudsburg Library
July 07 , 2009
Founding father Benjamin Franklin is also credited with establishing the first library in America. A little over 100 years after the founding of Franklin’s library, and closely following Franklin’s model, 20 well-known Stroudsburg citizens gathered to create the Stroudsburg Library Company. Read More...
History of the J.S. Bunnell School
August 08 , 2008
During the 1800s, many students attended one-room schoolhouses throughout Monroe County. Students began school in the first grade, and by grade eight, they had completed their education. Read More...
MCHA uses trunks to teach local history
August 08 , 2007
The Monroe County Historical Association has seen visits from schools to its home on Main Street in Stroudsburg slip in recent years, so it is looking to turn the tables. The association secured $3,000 in grant funds from Target to create 19 traveling trunks, which are designed for fourth- through eighth-grade classrooms. Read More...
Gilbert Polytechnic School in Polk Township
June 06 , 2007
From the many one-room school houses active during the earlier years of Monroe County to the colleges and universities of today, the citizens of Monroe County have always had a high regard for education. For students interested in pursuing their studies beyond a general high school education, attending a post-secondary training school was necessary. Read More...